Our ability to heal is simply within.

Ayurveda has been my guiding light, bringing me back to ease and connecting me to deeper fulfillment. Introduced during my Yoga Teacher Training at the Bhakti Center in NYC, I quickly fell in love with its teachings. In 2017, while battling severe digestive issues, I delved into self-study and healed my gut through Ayurvedic practices. Inspired to share this wisdom, I began training as an Ayurvedic Practitioner at the California College of Ayurveda and completed my coursework in Principles of Ayurvedic Medicine and Clinical Ayurvedic Medicine from 2021-2024. Despite a break for motherhood, Ayurveda remained integral and a potent tool during pregnancy and postpartum. Now immersed in the Ayurvedic Health Counselor Internship, I am passionate about guiding others toward balance and harmony through 1:1 Ayurvedic consultations.

I look forward to serving you!

-Amanda Powell, AHCi