Kapha: Earth + Water

Ayurveda revolves around the concept of the five elements (Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth), present throughout the universe and within the human mind and body.

These five elements combine to form our body's unique constitution, known as our dosha. The doshas include Vata (Air + Ether), Pitta (Fire + Water), and Kapha (Earth + Water). Each dosha possesses specific qualities derived from its specific elements.

Kapha, associated with coldness, heaviness, moistness, and density, gives the body structure and stability, builds tissues, immunity, and provides lubrication.

Physically, those dominated by Kapha dosha tend to have a sturdy build with a wide frame, large facial features, smooth, oily skin, and thick hair.

Functionally, Kapha types generally have a low appetite, slow digestion and metabolism. They typically have one daily bowel movement and are heavy sleepers who struggle to wake in the mornings. Their speech is deliberate, and they may prefer dryer climates due to their watery nature.

Symptoms of Kapha imbalance include nausea, weight gain, swelling, and water retention.

Emotionally, Kapha types are known for their patience, gentleness, and loyalty. They are good listeners, accepting of others, and find joy in life and routine.

When Kapha is imbalanced, individuals can become stubborn, possessive, complacent, lethargic, or depressed.

Ayurveda treats doshic imbalances using the principle of opposites. For Kapha imbalance characterized by heaviness, coldness, density, and moisture, balance is restored through light, dry foods, pungent spices, dry-brushing the body, and engaging in invigorating yoga practices and exercise. Cultivating non-attachment through acts like giving things away helps balance Kapha in the mind.