Pitta: Fire + Water

Ayurveda revolves around the concept of the five elements (Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth), present throughout the universe and within the human mind and body.

These five elements combine to form our body's unique constitution, known as our dosha. The doshas include Vata (Air + Ether), Pitta (Fire + Water), and Kapha (Earth + Water). Each dosha possesses specific qualities derived from its specific elements.

Pitta dosha, associated with qualities like heat, lightness, sharpness, and oiliness, governs vital functions such as digestion and metabolism. It facilitates both physical digestion and mental assimilation, enhancing clarity and discernment.

Physical characteristics typically include a medium build with well-defined musculature, angular faces, and deep, penetrating eyes. Their skin has a rosy hue, sometimes adorned with freckles or moles.

Pitta types possess strong appetites and digestion, usually experiencing multiple daily bowel movements. Their sleep is sound and when they awaken they can go back to sleep easily, unless they are too hot. Their communication style is direct and incisive, and they prefer cooler climates.

When Pitta becomes imbalanced, it can lead to conditions like heartburn, hyperacidity, skin irritations, fever, and liver issues. Emotional imbalances may manifest as intense anger, criticism, aggressiveness, or excessive judgment.

Emotionally, Pitta personalities are known for their intelligence, confidence, and courage, often assuming leadership roles. They are articulate, organized, and focused.

Ayurveda treats doshic imbalances using the principle of opposites. To balance Pitta, cooling foods, calming practices, moderation in daily activities, and cultivating non-judgmental awareness for mental equilibrium are recommended.